Thursday, April 9, 2009


DIAPER RASHES!!!!! NO, not me my baby!!! sad sad day!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

what a cute kid

We went for noahs post op appointment for his ears today and praise God his ears are clear and everything looks great, but it doesnt explain why last night he was running a low grade fever. Why does he get sick so much lately? The minute I take him to the gym child care he gets some little virus. Again, I hate day care! But..... He sure is one cute kid!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I tried coming up with something better than bullets....

I know i know its been a really long time since i have posted but to be real honest..... nobody reads this but my mom lol. oh well.... so here we go with my bullets
* Noah got turned one!!!! Oh my. where does time go!

*Noah got tubes.... praise Jesus it went well

* I am trying real hard to live in the present even though I want so much to be in the future...

* we have some really exciting stuff happening soon

* david graduates i may !!! yay!

* we got to isreal in may!

* We are moving to another city....!!!!!!!

* We are trying a new church next week... we have been going to one, but got invited by some old friends back theirs. we figure we would give it a whirl since we really are pretty comfortable with them and feel pretty welcomed, hmm so we will see.

* and........ I have started selling baby wipe cases. they are pretty popular, and Im really enjoying having a little extra.

* I think this is enough bullets

im thinking i may cancel this thing, I havent decided yet, im not very good at it.