Sunday, December 21, 2008

second stop

We just got back in town tonight and will leave early in the morning for our second stop..... houston! Please pray noah will survive a six hour drive and that we will get there safely. Merry Christmas everyone. We will be back before the new year!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

spaghetti madness

Last night we went to some friend's house and they had made spaghetti. Noah for the first time had the taste of goodness. He ate more spaghetti than I did. So all that to say Noah has a new favorite food!!!! Let's just say the diaper the next day was not a pretty one!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Well, Noah is much better! He looks really pitiful. the blisters on his hand have busted which make it look really bad and we have to keep it covered during the day because wit his crawling it gets very dirty and we dont want it to b e infected. so his whole hand is wrapped in gauze, ace bandage and on top of all that a sock. it looks so so sad. but we are on the road to recovery and it does not act like it bothers him which makes things a whole lot better. Anyway, we are in midland now with davids' family until sunday. We had a really great christmas with them last night. the babies got alot of really neat stuff. well just wanted to update on the burn situation. Still trying to not feel just horrible, but its hard not to when your baby has a tube sock on his hand!:)

Monday, December 15, 2008

World's worst mother award..... and a sad baby!

ok.... so this morning I turned my back for literally 15 sec max and noah had pulled up on our heater which mind you is a heater that is open and has a metal grid covering it which gets scorching hot! Well, I had not put a cover up on it and so my baby grabbed it and burned his little hand. He screamed and has been screaming all morning until he finally went down for a nap!!! I cannot explain to you how bad I feel. I cannot believe I let that happend. I am playing the 20 questions game. ya know, like why was i not watching him and so forth! ugh!!!!! so the doctor is wanting to prescribe him some stuff and im just bummed. I think I can now be officially given the World's worst mommy award!!!!!!!! So, now I am treating a very sad baby and a swollen and burned hand!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Holiday craziness

As of this moment, it is 10:30 pm and my son is still up talking at the top of his lungs, david is working and i am blogging. As you can tell we are not on any agenda this evening. I have realized that I am pretty much terrible at keeping up with my blog, but ya know I will try hard to make it under a month before I post again, but seeing as the title of the blog is not very promising. we leave in a week to make a mad dash to see family all over the place. We start off in midland, then down to houston, then I am leaving my baby for the very first time with my mom over night and me and david are goign with my grandparents on a little mini over night vacation, then we are headed to san antonio to see daivds grandparents and then back home by the 1st for david to go back to work. Craziness i tell you!! So, thats it!!!

A few updates:

* David is now a manager at hastings which is awesome!!

* my not so little baby will be 9 months old next week!!!

* David took his last final on thursday and is scheduled to take his teaching test in January!

*and honestly I have no news for myself!!!!

Well, I think noah may just want to go to bed!!! tty soon I promise!