Monday, December 15, 2008

World's worst mother award..... and a sad baby!

ok.... so this morning I turned my back for literally 15 sec max and noah had pulled up on our heater which mind you is a heater that is open and has a metal grid covering it which gets scorching hot! Well, I had not put a cover up on it and so my baby grabbed it and burned his little hand. He screamed and has been screaming all morning until he finally went down for a nap!!! I cannot explain to you how bad I feel. I cannot believe I let that happend. I am playing the 20 questions game. ya know, like why was i not watching him and so forth! ugh!!!!! so the doctor is wanting to prescribe him some stuff and im just bummed. I think I can now be officially given the World's worst mommy award!!!!!!!! So, now I am treating a very sad baby and a swollen and burned hand!


La said...

I know you feel awful, but if it helps any, lots of moms have done worse, including me! =(

I once set our 5 pound baby girl in her carrier on top of the kitchen counter. I left the kitchen for a moment and our 3 year old son was curious and pulled her down off the counter knocking her head onto the hard tile floor. It was horrible! She wasn't even responding for a while and of course we rushed to the er. We sat through hours of tortuous tests waiting to see if she would be brain damaged or anything. The guilt I experienced was worse than anything ever! She ended up only having two black eyes, miraculously.

That's only one of my stories (I'm not admitting to anything else right now!) and I'm sure just about every mom has at least one story whether they fess up or not. Don't be too hard on yourself, but do learn from it. Go through your house again, looking for safety things you may have missed before. Sorry that sweet Noah got hurt and hope he feels better soon!

mari said...

Um, remember how I scraped my kid in the face with a fork...twice?!?