Wednesday, February 18, 2009

whats going on

Well, I dont know of very many who read this but i know i have not written in awhile. So i wanted to do a little update of everything.
* Noah is turning one next month. ill try and hold back the tears! He is so big and happy and loves to play!

*On another note he has been sick going on hmmmm 3 months. He has ear infections and colds and just the works. soooo we go and see an ear specialist on march 3rd with the possibility of getting tubes. Now I really dont like the idea of this but if it puts my poor baby out of his mirsery I can suck it up. So more to come on that later....Pray that God does a miracle and heals his ears for good and the tubes are done away with.
* David is still working from 7-4 student teaching and workin 7 pm- 1 am at hastings. its a crazy life for us right now not being able to see him, but its gonna be worth it i hope.
* I am doing good, just keeping up with a baby. I actually got a mani/ pedi for valentines day from my husband and that was really great for me!
So thats it, not alot happens around here but I wanted to update everyone. hope everyone is having a wonderful february, its almost over can you believe it?

1 comment:

Tina said...

It will definitely be worth it. Just remember labor and delivery...that pain and suffering was for a little while, but it was worth it. hang tough. It won't be much longer. I know it is difficult on all three of you. The Lord will bless your faithfulness and dedication. Love ya, mom